Geradores de Palavras Cruzadas Para Imprimir


Present Continuous.

Questionário de Inglês de 12 Perguntas com Gabarito.

1He is _________________ on the book. writeWriting
2They are _________ the car. stopStopping
3She is ________ the lunch. preparingPreparing
4I am _________ my computer. useUsing
5We are __________ for the test. studyStudying
6They are ___________ video game. playPlaying
7She is ______________ well. danceDancing
8He is _______________ at school. workingWorking
9She is ___________ the homework. finishFinishing
10We are ___________. lieLying
11They are _________ to school. goGoing
12I am ____________a book. readReading


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